Swords Up

Mastering the Weapons of Spiritual Warfare for Today's Christian Woman

Using God-given creativity to inspire, encourage, and equip women in their faith journey, with the ultimate goal of growing the Kingdom of God according to His will and purpose.

Woman Writing on laptop

Hey It's nice to meet you I'm

J. Harrington

J. Harrington is a dynamic author and ministry leader who brings a unique blend of military spouse experience, academic insight, and spiritual passion to her writing.

With a background in anthropology and project management, Harrington serves as the Digital Content Manager for Holy Culture Radio while serving in church ministries.

Her work reflects a deep commitment to faith and a knack for applying biblical truths to modern challenges. When not writing or serving her community in Jacksonville, NC, you can find her embracing life’s adventures with her family of four.

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.

Ephesians 6:11

A Study on the Armor of God

Are You Battle Ready?

In a world where spiritual warfare rages unseen, Swords Up equips women with the ultimate weapon: God’s Word. This engaging and powerful Bible study unveils the true nature of the armor of God, empowering today’s Christian women to stand firm against the enemy’s attacks.

J. Harrington delivers a power-packed, no-nonsense approach to spiritual warfare, infusing Greek word studies and practical applications into this unique study of Ephesians 6:12-18. With her direct style and deep biblical understanding, Harrington breathes new life into familiar passages, revealing the Bible as the dynamic, engaging arsenal it truly is.

Don’t face the battlefield unprepared. Arm yourself with Swords Up and experience the Bible as never before—your most potent weapon in the fight against darkness.

Swords Up - Mastering the Weapons of Spiritual Warfare for Today's Christian Woman

Our Resources

Spiritual Warfare

Emergency Toolkit

Designed to help you battle the enemy when he uses tactics like anxiety, fear, depression, and temptation to distract you from your God-given purpose.